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Exercise Can Help Dissolve Blood Clots

Various diseases and conditions can increase the risk of blood clots Genetics, advanced age, pregnancy, cancer, and high blood pressure are some of the conditions that can result in blood clots forming in the legs or other areas of your body. While it is apparent that some of these conditions may be unavoidable, it does not preclude the possibility of becoming proactive and finding ways to minimize the risks that you may have. Some of these risks can be offset by medications and lifestyle changes. Consulting with your doctor about your risks and possible treatments is the best way to begin the battle against blood clot formation in the legs.May 8, 2003 – ‘Among overweight people, life-threatening blood clots are common. But exercise can help dissolve blood clots. – That’s the finding from a study, presented at an American Heart Association meeting this week.Obese people are at an increased risk of blood clots and diseases such as stroke. This study helps explain why these complications are occurring in obese people and that simply exercising may help dissolve blood clots.In the study, Colorado investigators looked at 36 sedentary men, all about 60 years old — 12 of whom were lean and 24 obese. Researchers measured the amounts of a critical blood clot dissolver called tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA). The overweight men had “significantly blunted” levels of t-PA — 30% less than the lean men.However, once the men got active — three months of walking about 45 minutes a day, five days a week — 10 of the obese men had a 50% higher release of blood clot-dissolving t-PA. In fact, exercise raised their levels similar to those of the lean men.Regular aerobic exercise can help reverse blood clot formation, concludes lead researcher Derek T. Smith, with the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center’.
Unhealthy lifestyle can contribute to blood clot.

Smoking, obesity, too little exercise, sitting for extended periods, and use of hormone based contraceptives have all been linked to increased risk of blood clot development. Obviously, the opposite of each of these lifestyle choices is a positive decision to help prevent blood clots from forming so ….. : Exercise frequently. Walking is a common exercise used to improve blood circulation and dissolve blood clots. Other helpful exercises include jogging, running and cardio-intensive workout programs. However, its vital that a doctor be consulted before starting on any exercise regime (including walking), to confirm that it is the safest and most beneficial exercise for you

Lose weight in a healthy way. Increased amounts of weight can cause strain on your heart as well as your blood flow. Also, the hormone leptin is secreted by fat cells in the body. This hormone is suspected to be a contributing factor in the increased production of blood clots in obese individuals.

Stop smoking. The ingredients in cigarettes have been known to increase the coagulation potential of blood, and many smokers develop blood clots due to this coagulation change. Developed blood clots can block essential blood flow to organs like the heart and brain, and can prove fatal.

Eat foods high in salicylates. Salicylates are blood-thinning nutrients that can be found in fruits as well as medications like Aspirin. A diet high in berries such as strawberries, cranberries and blueberries can help to keep your blood thin and reduce the chance of developing blood clots. A healthy way to stock up on these and other nutritional fruits and vegetables foods in your body is by juicing in the Oscar juicer, either DA900 or DA 1000.

Take medications that has been prescribed by a doctor that dissolve blood clots and prevent the formation of new clots. Of course, this is in conjunction with the above points and hopefully will replace and/or medication. Anticoagulants and other blood clot medications should only be taken under the advisement of your physician, and side effects such as fever and jaundice should be discussed before beginning the medication.

Get active. Regular aerobic exercise can dissolve blood clots, according to a study that was presented to the American Heart Association in 2003. The participants in the study walked for 45 minutes per day, 5 days per week, for about 3 months.

Take an omega-3 supplement daily. Omega-3s can help prevent your blood from forming clots and stave off heart disease and heart attacks. Evening primrose oil is one supplement that offers omega-3s.

Lower your risk factors by lowering your blood pressure. If you smoke, quit. Decrease the fat in your diet as well as the salt intake. Aim for less than 1,500 mg of salt per day.

There are a number of foods that you can easily incorporate into your daily diet that also act as anticoagulants, thinning the blood as their by-products are released within the body during digestion. They react within the body in a manner similar to aspirin and include spices such as garlic, curry powder, cayenne pepper, ginger and cinnamon. Fruits which are high in vitamin C, such as lemons, oranges, strawberries and grapefruit, are also effective as they combine with blood calcium, reducing the ability of the blood cells to stick to each other. Please check these foods with your doctor first if you are on blood-thinning medication or have a bleeding disorder as blood that is too thin and does not clot when needed, can also cause problems.

Exercise Can Help Dissolve Blood Clots

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Are You Dehydrated

Water plays a very important role in the day to day functioning of the human body. The body, after all, is made up of 70% water and this percentage should be kept in balance at all times. The only way this can be done is by drinking fresh, clean healthy water, not soda coffee or other beverages. It is easier to reach for juice or make a fresh pot of tea than pour yourself a glass of water. Beverages like sodas and coffees are highly diuretic, leaving you more dehydrated than hydrated. That is why when you are really thirsty and drink juice, no matter how many glasses you take in, you still want water afterwards. I think the main problem is, most people do not even come close to realizing the danger they put themselves in when water is avoided or substituted with other beverages. Dehydration can be fatal if not handled well, especially for babies and small children.
Dehydration occurs when an excessive loss of water occurs, resulting in a disruption in metabolic processes. When this happens, the blood becomes thicker and the heart has difficulty pumping oxygen-rich blood into the brain and other vital organs of the body. The functioning of the kidneys are also affected, resulting in highly concentrated urine.
Dehydration is mainly caused by water being lost in the body and not being replaced. Water loss occurs through exercise, strenuous activity, drinking beverages rich in caffeine and drinking minimal amounts of fresh clean water. Vomiting and diarrhea are also two common causes of dehydration.
The body is designed in such an amazing way, when something is amiss warning bells go off. The problem is society has taught us to suppress these warning bells through the consumption of medication. The more medication you take the more damage you cause to your body as in the long run, you wont hear these warning bells anymore.

Symptoms of dehydration


Growing up, whenever I complained about a headache, the first thing my father would ask is “did you drink water today”? Many of us experience headaches, dizziness and muscle cramps.  Before reaching for the medicine cabinet, try and drink a glass or two of water and see if your condition doesn’t improve. Medication does not address the real issue, instead it cuts off communication in the neurotransmitters. Even though it takes care of the pain temporarily, it prevents the body from knowing which areas are the most dehydrated. More than enough evidence proves that painkillers can be addictive and have serious side effects.

Dizziness and excess fatigue

Water moves from the cells into the blood to keep blood pressure constant and to ensure that water is supplied to all the vital areas of the body. When the body is not well hydrated, there is not enough water in the cells to move to the blood, and the blood becomes thick with poor oxygen content.  This blood is carried to the brain. Without oxygen-rich blood, the brain cannot communicate well with different parts of the body, resulting in the “tired” feeling and dizziness.

Dry Sticky mouth

When you are dehydrated, your mouth feels like it has been stuffed with cotton and tastes like cardboard. This is a  major signs of thirst, although at this point every cell in your body is crying for some water. Ignoring this symptom could be fatal.


The colour of your urine says a lot about how healthy your water levels are. A well-hydrated body has clear to slightly yellow urine that is odourless.  When you are dehydrated, your urine is a dark yellow with a slight odour. This is caused by toxins not being flushed out of your body properly. Remember that what you eat also affects the colour of your urine, so in some cases you might not be dehydrated, just eating very colourful food.



When low water quantities are  available in the body, the body goes into self-defense mode and uses this water for the vital organs, meaning it will go to the blood where it is needed the most. The body will get water from any source possible,   resulting in the colon drawing water out of food, which causes constipation.


A quick way to spot if you are dehydrated is conducting a skin elasticity test also known as the “pinch test”. Simply pinch your skin and pull it upwards, if it falls back into place quickly your hydration levels are normal. If it falls back into place slowly, take this as a warning sign of dehydration.

Solutions to dehydration

Water Water Water

This is the best option as it is precisely what the body needs, be careful not to overdo it though as this is dangerous in itself.  In everything, moderation is key, too much of a good thing is not always good. Thirst levels vary from person to person but 6-8 glasses of water daily should keep your hydration levels normal. A quick way to avoid dehydration is to carry water with you in a refillable container. Make sure that you are drinking clean, filtered water.  Tap water has a lot of chemicals that cause more harm than good to the body. It is probably wise to invest in a water filter.

Eat your fluids

There are so many fruits and vegetables with high water content like cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges and watermelons. These should NOT be substituted for water. However, since they have natural sugars and no additives, they will keep your energy up throughout the day.

Carry a water bottle

It is easier to remember to drink water if you have a bottle with you. Moving away from your computer for one glass of water is much harder than reaching across your desk for a bottle of water. Choosing the right bottle is also very important. Most water bottles available on the market are made from plastic, which has BPA or Bisphenol A, a chemical used to harden plastics. When you put water in the container  this chemical is released into the water, which you then drink. BPA has been linked to hormonal disruptions, cancer, brain and behaviour problems and heart conditions. Make sure that your bottle is BPA free. Healthmakers offers a wide range of BPA free water bottles .
Water is a resource that is currently available everywhere. Drinking water helps you with so many issues that could result in hospitalisation if not well handled at home. Don’t wait until you condition is beyond repair – start now, pour yourself a glass of water and toast to good health.


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The Truth About Crisps

The Truth About CrispsThe Truth About CrispsFresh, crispy and extra crunchy…… this is what is advertised on TV about most packets of crisps. I am sure this is the go-to snack for lots of people as the crunchiness, salty taste and variety of flavours  is enticing and very addictive.  The more of these crisps you eat, the more you want. Why? Because of the ingredients used.  These ingredients have excitotoxins like MSG that leave you dissatisfied after only one or two crisps and thus create more cravings.  As I am writing this article, I have checked out the Simba website and this is a complaint verbatim from one of the Simba consumers ‘I have been so annoyed at Simba for some time now. I am an ardent crisp fan, but for the past few months your crisps are all but tasteless, last night I AGAIN bought a big packet of Tomato flavour crisps at our local store and again found the crisps had almost no flavour throughout the entire packet, long gone are the days that your mouth ended up red from the flavouring. Please either charge more and flavour the crisps or just stick to making “plain” variety’.  –  It seems this consumer is one of the many crisp addicts.
The Truth About CrispsA lot of research has been conducted on the dangers of crisps, and the findings are the same. Crisps are manufactured from refined oils, that are added to the body with each bite. The dangers of crisps are embedded in their ingredients. These ingredients are toxic and damaging to the body and the effects are even worse on children, as they are still developing and growing.  The unfortunate reality is that crisps are part of  most children’s  ‘normal’ diet.  For many children at school, a lunchbox is not complete without a packet of crisps, sweets or biscuits.  Parents like to indulge  their children and make them feel loved and provided for.  But, at what cost ?
Eating has become a way of social acceptance, and people do not like to be considered odd, weird and out of trend with the rest of the world.  Unfortunately, with such a mentality there are  dire consequences. Obesity among children under the age of 15 has more than doubled in the last 20 or so years. Cases of complex medical conditions in children, such as diabetes and cancer, are on the increase as well.  Lastly, the mortality rate keeps on rising for youth under the age of 20. It seems as if we are digging our own graves, one unhealthy mouthful at a time.
Many years ago,  my colleague did some temporary work at  Simba, working for the production manager, and so had to spend a part of her day in the factory.  They also had a tuckshop where staff and the public could buy these crisps at a cheaper price.  In the four weeks that she was there, she gained 8 Kg from ingesting the steady supply of these fattening ‘treats’.
It is recommended that for a healthier you, eat less crisps, and,  if possible, avoid them altogether.
I compared different packet of crisps to see what they are made of.  I was hoping to find that some brands are more healthy than others, well it turns out that most of them have the same basic ingredients, which have horrible effects on development and growth of children.  Here are the common ingredients found in these crisps.
Acrylamide– this is a by-product that is created when food, rich in carbohydrates, is cooked at very high temperatures.  Cooking oil when heated creates free radicals. These are bad for the skin and have cancer-causing properties. Acrylamide also affects the nervous system and the fertility rate.
E 262 – sodium acetate/ sodium diacetate. This is a flavouring, used to give food a sour taste (think salt and vinegar or sour cream crisps). It is used as a mould inhibitor and a general conditioner in breads. Sodium acetate is highly acidic and increases the acid levels in the body. An acidic body is a breeding ground for diseases and various infections.The Truth About Crisps
E 330 – artificial citric acid is created from corn. Corn is a good source of protein. The complex procedure of creating citric acid using protein causes the protein to be hydrolysed. This creates the by product E621 or MSG.
Maltodextrin – is a preservative created from starch. Maltodextrin is very cheap to produce. It works to give food a fat-like consistency. Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate that has sugar content in it. When it reaches the system it does not need to be broken down,  and this results in it being stored directly as fat in the body. It has a high glycaemic index, meaning it releases more glucose into the body than is needed at a particular time. Side effects of Maltodextrin include weight gain, flatulence and bloating.
E 414 – Arabic gum, is used as a stabiliser, thickener and glazing agent. It causes allergic reactions such as asthma and skin rash. This e-number is also found in chewing gum and jelly sweets.
E551 – Silicone dioxide is used as an anti caking agent. It has no nutritional value and is only added to food during the production process, to avoid clots.
E341 – calcium phosphates are anti-oxidants used in foods – in approved concentrations it causes very little harm. Frequent exposure however, results in an irregular heartbeat the heartbeat is either too fast or too slow.
E 104 – Quinoline yellow, is a green/ yellow food colourant. E104 increases the absorption of aluminum in the blood through the digestive tract. The brain only uses a specific amount of aluminum.  Once more than enough is accumulated in the brain, it causes disorders such as Alzheimers and decreasing intelligence levels.  It has also been linked to hyperactivity in children and has been reported to cause skin conditions such as urticaria and dermatitis.
E 110 – sunset yellow synthetic food dye. It causes allergic reactions to people with aspirin intolerance. Other side effects include a runny nose and hives. The colouring has been linked to hyperactivity in children. It is already banned in Norway and Finland.
Dextrose – is a simple sugar that is a type of glucose. Due to its structure, it poses risks to people suffering from diabetes. It also contributes to obesity. Since it is also not broken down before digestion, it has a high glycemic index, raising blood sugar levels too quickly, resulting in an increased release of insulin, while there are low levels of glucose, which can cause hypoglycemia.
E954 – Saccharin, is an artificial non-nutritive sweetener with a metallic after taste. It is considered to be 200-700 times sweeter than sugar. It is derived from tar specifically benzoic sulfimide. In the early 70’s saccharin was linked to cancer of the bladder in rats, which led to the FDA requesting it to be banned but the request was unsuccessful. For people allergic to sulfonamides it causes reactions such as headaches, breathing difficulties and sensitive skin. Saccharin is not absorbed by the intestines, but does trigger endocrinal responses, releasing insulin into the pancreas, since there  is no sugar to bind itself to . This decreases the body’s sensitivity to insulin, which is one of the causes of diabetes.
E508 – potassium chloride has a bad flavour with a worse taste. It is used as a gelling agent, stabiliser and thickener. People with kidney problems should avoid KCL as it is associated with liver toxicity.
E150c – caramel colouring found in crisps, cool drinks and sweets. E150c is produced by heating carbohydrates in the presence of ammonia.  The by-product of this process, methylimidazole found in E150c,  was found to have carcinogenic properties in lab animals. It is also known to reduce vitamin absorption.
E951 – Aspartame is used as a sweetener in food. It is made up of three chemicals, aspartic acid (40%) phenylalanine and methanol. These break down into individual properties when aspartame is ingested. Side effects include, nausea, dizziness, weight gain, and insomnia, to name a few. According to researchers and doctors, chronic illnesses like brain tumors, Epilepsy, Fibromylagia and Diabetes are triggered or made worse by Aspartame. The body has neuron transmitters called aspartate and glutamate.  Aspartic acid is an amino acid which raised the blood levels of aspartate. This leads to a higher level of neurotransmitters in certain parts of the brain. The part that protects the brain from excess aspartame and toxins is not yet fully developed in little children. Excess glutamate seeps into the brain and starts damaging neurons. Damage in neurons can result in Multiple sclerosis, memory loss, hormonal problems, Brain lesions and epilepsy. Excessive amounts of phenylalanine in the brain cause the serotonin levels to drop in the brain. This causes emotional disorders such as mood swings and depression.
The Truth About Crisps
Which crisps are the main culprits?
Most of the crisps on the market contain these ingredients, they might not have all of them but they will have two or three in each, with other ingredients that combined make for an unhealthy snack.
Listed below are the main brands that have these ingredients in their products:

  • Simba
  • Lays
  • Fritos
  • Frimax
  • Doritos
  • Cheese Naks
  • Cheetos

The Truth About CrispsSolutions

  • Try to eat as few crisps as possible or cut them out of your diet completely.
  • Find healthier alternatives, some health shops have crisps with a shorter ingredient list. They might not taste like Doritos or Lays but they are much more healthy.
  • Read up on the ingredients, always know what you are putting into your body.
  • Make your own snacks. With a blender and a dehydrator, you can create your own homemade crisps without the extra ingredients. You will not be exposed to carcinogenic oil by using a dehydrator.

This  is an all-time favourite snack worldwide, but it is certainly a health hazard. It should come with a huge warning sign that says…. EAT AT YOUR OWN RISK!  The side effects of eating crisps might not show today, tomorrow or even this year, but as time goes on they will manifest themselves.  By the time you realise and acknowledge the symptoms,  it  could be too late to do anything about it. Choose health today by eating foods that nourish your body and guarantee you better health.

The Truth About Crisps

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Blender Bottles

Blender BottlesSmoothies and Juices are the new craze everywhere, and this trend has caught on like wildfire in South Africa. It is well known that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  I never have time for breakfast because I absolutely hate waking up early and, as a result,  I am always in a rush and therefore do not even get a chance to pack a full lunch.  For me,  the invention of the blender bottle in which to store my smoothies, is absolutely genius.
This bottle is so easy to use,  and it makes life that much easier. It has a silver patented ball that whisks liquids and powers to a smooth, creamy consistency with absolutely no lumps. All that sediment that usually remains at the bottom which you have to scoop out with a spoon, is unheard of with this bottle,  as everything blends evenly.  You can also make a smoothie at home (quickly in the Vitamix or  good quality blender), and pour the liquid into a blender bottle to take with, on the run to drink later.  When you are ready to drink your smoothie, just give the blender bottle a shake and the little wire ball will do the rest.  No sediment is left on the bottom as it is now all smoothly mixed and ready to be enjoyed with an infusion of the different flavours and ingredients.
Its designed in such a way that you get a firm yet comfortable grip when holding the container. The lid claps on extra tight, so you don’t have to worry about leakage and end up with your handbag smelling like breakfast (I have had way too many personal experiences with that).
It doesn’t use any electricity or batteries, which is a huge plus when you are ‘out and about’ . If you have not made your smoothie at home and would like to whip one up quickly,  use a protein shake powder, some juice and yoghurt preferably, simply thrown in all the ingredients and mix it up with a few shakes and, voila, breakfast is served.
Whatever you do, don’t put it in the freezer, a colleague of mine once made that mistake and her bottle cracked. If you want a frozen smoothie, blend the ingredients in your Vitamix or blender bottle and transfer the smooth contents to another bottle or glass.
Blender Bottles

Shake it up

They are  many things you can do with this bottle, namely:

  • Omelettes ( pour all your ingredients into the bottle shake it up, fry and enjoy). I would strongly suggest you get a separate bottle for this just so you can keep your flavours separate. Trust me a smoothie that smells of egg residue, is at the bottom of the appetising pyramid – AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
  • Pancake batter
  • Salad dressing
  • Home made sauces (you can have so much fun with this one – just let your imagination run wild. Surprise yourself).


Blender bottles have been the craze all over tinseltown. Celebrities like Scarlet Johansson, Hugh Jackman and Justin Bieber are known for keeping healthy and toned and they know there is more to this bottle than meets the eye.
On the healthy side
A little something extra always does the trick for my smoothies and gives me enough energy to get through my day. Here are a few healthy products that you could try out and add the extra nutrients to your shake.
Blender Bottles
Blender BottlesBlender Bottles
The Pro Nutro shake has the same minerals and nutrients as the ProNutro Cereal. Pronutro shakes are available in retail supermarkets.
Superfoods has these amazing shakes that are packed to the brim with all things good for your body. The green shake has baobab, hemp seed and wheat grass. The organic super shake has raw cacao, cinnamon and vanilla, making the texture and taste of your smoothie Raw-mazing. These shakes are available from Rawlicious.

So there you have it….

Without a doubt I can say this is a product that is an asset. Whether you are on a mountain, in a desert or visiting a game park, you can enjoy a fresh salad dressing pancake, omelet or fresh smoothie prepared in next to no time at all. I don’t know about you but that sounds perfect to me.
To purchase a blender bottle.
Blender Bottles

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10 Natural Medicines

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food- Hippocrates
Food plays an important role in our daily lives. We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and weddings by bringing out the ‘finest’  food available. When the body takes too much strain due to consuming rich, unhealthy foods as well as other factors such as stress, we become ill.  In actual fact the body prefers the simplest diet possible, as this type of diet has the highest health benefits.  The concept of health is very simple, it is NOT in obtaining an expensive medical aid or visiting the doctor often. The secret in maintaining good health is in the food you eat.  Mother nature, ever so caring, has provided natural remedies for most illnesses, without the side effects associated with medication. Here are the top 10 remedies.

10 Natural Medicines

#1 Garlic Garlic is a natural antibiotic that strengthens your immune system. It is known to keep your blood pressure in check and  is rich in allium which has anti-cancer properties. For the best results it is better to eat your garlic raw, as it enhances the flavours of  most food.
10 Natural Medicines
#2 Rooibos TeaCold sore? Dab the area with a warm rooibos teabag. Rooibos has anti-inflammatory properties that help to heal a sore heal faster. It is rich in anti-oxidants which fight cancer-causing free radicals in the body.
10 Natural Medicines

#3 Citrus Fruits Lemon, Oranges, Kiwis and Nectarines are all good for you. They are rich in vitamin C, and lemon and grapefruit are also alkalising when they reach the stomach, balancing the acid content in your body. An acidic body is a breeding ground for illnesses and disease. The high water content in these fruits makes them a good source for body hydration.
#4 Onion10 Natural Medicines
Onion has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiviral properties. The richest dietary source in onions is quercitin, an anti-oxidant found near the skin of onion. Tests have shown that quercitin assists in thinning blood, fighting asthma and helps decrease hay fever symptoms. Onion assists in fighting clots in the blood caused by cholesterol build up, which is the major cause of coronary heart disease.  The cheapest and the best cough syrup can be made by finely chopping up onion and sprinkling it with some brown sugar and leaving it to soak for about an hour. The resultant syrup can be sipped as required. Most cough syrups sold in supermarkets and pharmacies have alcohol –  alcohol increases congestion in the mucous membrane and is dehydrating.  Remember never to use a half onion unless it has been stored in an airtight container as it naturally absorbs bacteria.

10 Natural Medicines
#5 Water
This natural medicine is often overlooked and has been substituted by soda drinks, juice and hot beverages. A dehydrated body can be fatal as metabolic processes are affected. Water flushes out toxins in your kidney, it hydrates your body’s cells, giving you more energy and replaces all the liquid that you lose through urine, sweating and exercise.  Tap water should be purified to remove the chlorine, heavy metals and trihalomethanes. See the selection of water purifiers at
#6 Spinach10 Natural Medicines
Spinach leaves are rich in vitamins C,E,A and B12 as well as calcium, iron, niacin and zinc. Eating raw spinach can help fight anaemia and prevent osteoporosis. Spinach is also good for the heart as it is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. The fibre content in spinach aids with digestion and alleviates discomfort associated with constipation. Vitamin K in spinach assists with the nervous system and brain function.  Note: Spinach should be swapped for other leafy greans so as not to build up oxalic acid from the spinach

10 Natural Medicines
#7 Ginger
Ginger is one of the revered natural medicines in India. Ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of nutrients and assists in keeping the sinuses healthier. Chewing on raw ginger helps fight nausea. It has anti-inflammatory properties that bring relief of  joint pain. Another way of ingesting ginger is by soaking it in hot water for 10 to 15 minutes and drinking the water. Ginger stimulates an increase in body heat, which assists  in fighting the common cold and flu.

10 Natural Medicines
#8 Red Chilli Pepper
Red hot chilli peppers have been used since ancient times to cure the common cold. Research shows that red chilli peppers have a compound called capsicum which is known to relieve pain as it releases endorphins in the brain, which has a pain relieving effect similar to morphine. Red Chillies are also very rich in Vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and carotene (Vitamin A).

10 Natural Medicines

#9 Unrefined Salt

For an itchy, irritated, sore throat,  gargle with half a teaspoon unrefined salt in 150 ml of water. Salt is an astringent which helps with diarrhoea and peptic ulcers. Salt also assists with the absorption of nutrients in the intestinal tract. Unrefined salt like Himalayan Crystal Salt  and unrefined sea salt is found in most health shops and supermarkets.

#10 Honey10 Natural Medicines
Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties, honey can be used to dress a wound as  it reduces pain and has minimal scarring. It is also used for conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, insect bites and allergies.

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Keep Your Childs Weight Healthy

Obesity-Related Health Problems in Kids
It’s a well known fact that childhood obesity is a risk factor for chronic diseases in adulthood. But what many parents might not realise until problems arise, is that overweight and obese kids and teens often have weight-related problems during childhood.

Some of these problems could be difficulty breathing such as asthma and exercise intolerance, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, bone and joint problems, elevated cholesterol levels, menstrual irregularities, as well as taking an emotional toll on our kids such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, bullying and discrimination, teasing, excluded from team sports (I did experience these painful emotional issues first-hand, being an overweight child).
Overweight children and adolescents are more likely to become overweight or obese adults. It is an extremely difficult cycle to break and prevention is the key to combating childhood obesity.
The far-reaching health problems associated with obesity have dire implications for kids right now. So it’s vital that parents do all they can to help kids reach and maintain a healthy weight. Being a good role model is a key part of this — let your kids see you eating healthy foods in appropriate serving sizes, enjoying treats in moderation, and exercising regularly.
Understanding how children become obese or overweight in the first place is an important step toward breaking the cycle. Most cases of childhood obesity are caused by eating too much and exercising too little. Children need enough food to support healthy growth and development. But when they take in more calories than they burn throughout the day, the result is weight gain.
Many factors contribute to this growing imbalance between calories in and calories out:

  • Busy families are cooking less and eating out more, or just taking home fast-food meals as there is easy access to cheap, high-calorie junk food.
  • Food portions are bigger than they used to be, both in restaurants and at home.
  • Kids spend less time actively playing outside, and more time watching TV, playing video games, and sitting at the computer.

Good eating habits start at home. The best way to fight or prevent childhood obesity and weight problems is to get the whole family on a healthier track. Making better food choices and becoming more active will benefit everyone, regardless of weight. And with the whole family involved, it will be much easier for your overweight child to make lasting changes.
If your children see you eating your vegetables, being active, and limiting your TV time, there’s a good chance that they will do the same. These habits will also have the happy side effect of helping you maintain a healthy weight.

Making more nutritious food choices

Helping your child beat obesity begins with helping him or her forge a healthy relationship with food. You may need to make major changes to your eating lifestyle.

  • Eat a rainbow of colours – Serve and encourage consumption of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. This should include red (beets, tomatoes), orange (carrots, squash), yellow (potatoes, bananas), green (lettuce, broccoli) and so on

Make breakfast a priority. Children who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight or obese than those who skip it. Focus on healthy choices such as a smoothie encompassing fresh fruit, a few greens whose taste is masked by the fruit, natural yoghurt, a few nuts and seeds, possibly some honey and/or other nutritional items. Time is usually very limited in the morning for the kids to sit down and eat a meal, but they should have no problem drinking down the nourishing smoothie – even on the way to school – (made very quickly and easily in the Vitamix Total Nutrition Center), and you can be sure you have given them a great start to the day for their physical and educational needs at school.
In the absence of a physical disorder, the only way to lose weight is to reduce the number of empty calories being eaten and to increase the child’s or adolescent’s level of physical activity.

  • Parents should  emphasize healthy eating, keep fatty and sugary snacks to a minimum and keep fruits, vegetables and low-fat snacks available (A quick and easy way to do this could be by making healthy, yet tasty snacks in the dehydrators , so your kids don’t feel deprived or feel as if they are missing out and the whole family will enjoy these tasty treats)
  • Increase physical activity, e.g. by taking a few brisk walks with your child each week
  • Be a good role model for your child. If your child sees you enjoying healthy foods and physical activity, he or she is more likely to do the same now and rest of his or her life.
  • If possible, try and limit the amount of money children have to purchase junk food and fast foods in favour of the healthy breakfast and lunches you provide from home.

Keep Your Childs Weight Healthy

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Maca Root

The Maca root is one of the Superfoods that is packed with nutrients and vitamins.

Maca Root
Scientifically known as Lepidium Meyeni, this root bulb from Peru is a herbal plant that looks like a turnip or radish. It is 8 cm in diameter, and comes in various colours i.e. red, purple, blue, cream and gold, which is the most common colour . It grows annually (as it takes seven to nine months to produce the root that is later harvested). It yields small, off-white flowers similar to those of a mustard plant, ( typical as it belongs to the mustard family). In Peru it us used as porridges, flours and soups. In more westernised societies it is mostly sold for medicinal purpose as it is an acquired taste.

Nutritional Value

The nutritional value of the Maca root increases when its dried and crushed into a fine powder. The dried root can be stored for up to seven years. It is very high in fibre, calcium, potassium (with very low salt/sodium content). It also contains essential trace elements of zinc, carbohydrates, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, as well as amino & fatty acids and iron. It stabilises fluctuating energy levels, increases endurance and stamina in your body, and helps regulate hormonal processes and your central nervous system. The root also acts as an aphrodisiac, increasing sexual strength and fertility especially in men. For women, it assists with menopause and menstrual irregularities.Since it is rich in amino acids, it is a superb memory enhancer which increases neural activity in the brain. Anaemia in the body is reduced, as Maca powder assists in the increase of blood circulation, giving your skin a clear radiant appearance.
As Maca is an adaptogen, it raises the body’s resistance to diseases through emotional and physiological health improvements. This means it can help fight the common cold, fatigue and improve your overall well-being.


Maca Root
This superfood has been used to alleviate symptoms associated with the following conditions:

  • PMS/ Menopause
  • Skin Conditions like Acne
  • Weak Sex Drive
  • Infertility
  • Weak Memory
  • Mood Disorder
  • Sleep Disorders

Side effects

In as much as there is so much good about Maca root powder, it is important to be aware that it is not a miracle worker and should not be taken in large doses to try and alleviate symptoms ‘overnight’. The old saying of ‘too much of a good thing is not good’ rings true in this case as there are certain health risks that you should be aware with the over-use of Maca powder. Goiter -Maca contains a class of compounds called glucosinolates, and excessive intake of glucosinolates results in the thyroid swelling up and thyroid function is reduced, especially if your diet is low in iodine. Symptoms include the following, coughing, difficulty in breathing and swallowing.
Avoid using it as a supplement when you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as sufficient research has not been done on women, and therefore may impose a detrimental risk to the unborn or breastfeeding baby.

Try it out

David Wolfe, one of the best world renowned nutritionists, uses Maca as an ingredient for teas, smoothies, nut milks, ice cream and cacao to bring out a nice rich flavour in your drink.
Try out this recipe for a healthier smoothie:

Strawberry Banana Maca Smoothie

Maca Root
2 cups almond milk
1 organic banana1 cup organic strawberries
1 tablespoon organic hemp oil
2 tablespoons organic Maca powder
1 tablespoon honey
Place all the ingredient in a Vitamix or Super blender
and blend until a smooth consistency is obtained.
Enjoy, it is delicious.

Maca Root

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The Food in My Trolley

The Category “IN THE TROLLEY” is there it inform and enlighten regarding the products for sale in a supermarket. What we often do not realise is that many of these products are not food at all, they will not sustain us, give us energy, or good health, but rather will contribute to us suffering from vertical illness and finally horizontal disease.
The Food in My Trolley
This category is divided into the various aisles found in the average supermarket and will grow as we get to add more and more information about the ingredients in the products, which are good for us, which we can indulge in now and then (if we really have to) and which we should absolutely avoid if we plan to enjoy a good quality of life, meaning one where we have energy and do not suffer from the symptoms of growing poor health.
This website is designed for you to have your say, so please place your comments at the bottom of the articles and requests for articles on specific products.


The Food in My Trolley

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Aromat Information

Aromat,  one seasoning that can make anything taste good. From scrambled eggs, roasted maize to boiled beans. But what exactly is Aromat? Have you ever stopped and wondered, why food just “doesn’t taste the same” without it? Aromat is a good “crutch” for our taste buds, I know I used it for a long while to prepare what I considered as delicious meals. But what is Aromat really? Is it healthy for me?

What is Aromat?

Aromat is a food flavour enhancer. It gives food that added extra yumminess. To put it frankly Aromat is nothing more than yellow MSG with a lot salt and a little garlic.
Aromat manufactures  are completely honest, they do not try to hide or sell their product by giving it any nutritional index. Why? Because the nutritional value is minimum due to the key ingredients used to make this product.
Next time you are at a supermarket and shopping just pick a box or container of Aromat and turn it around to see what ingredients are used. Now an important thing to note is that manufactures usually label ingredients from highest content to lowest content. The fact that MSG (monosodium glutamate) is third in this ranking list is a little unnerving to say the least.
Aromat Information


Zoom in on the ingredients

Aromat is made from the following ingredients:

  • Salt
  • Maize Flour
  • Monosodium Glutamate
  • Yeast Extract 
  • Flavourants 
  • TBHQ
  • Anti- caking agent (E551)
  • Flavour enhancers ( E631, E627)
  • Vegetables
  • Spices
  • Herbs
  • Soya lecithin
  • Garlic

Looking at these ingredients you might think, hey that’s not so bad. But do remember that these are ranked from highest content to lowest content. So let me break down the unusual ingredients for you.

MSG / Monosodium Glutamate

This is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, it has an E number 621 (Be careful with E numbers and ensure that you read the information regarding a specific E number on a product, some E numbers are made from foods found in nature such as peppers while others are artificially created in labs). MSG on its own has no taste until combined with something savoury. It then works as a flavour enhancer to that. Giving your mouth the sensation that scientists have coined umami, your tongue is tricked into believing that its eating something delicious. The approved amount of MSG for daily consumption is a very small quantity of less than a gram.  Symptoms associated with overconsumption of MSG include chest pain, nausea, weakness, numbness and heart palpitations.
MSG is also known as a excitotoxin- this basically means that it interferes with the functioning of the endocrine system resulting in the body not being able to monitor itself. The appetite is over excited, resulting in people not wanting to stop eating even though they are satisfied. And you wonder why the obesity pandemic just keeps on reaching new heights.

Yeast extract

Yeast extract is a form of processed yeast used as an additive for flavour enhancement. It is sometimes referred to as a hidden source of MSG as it contains some glutamate.


Yet another type of additive used to improve the flavour of food. There are flavourants made from natural ingredients but the trick here is that most companies do not specify whether the flavourants used are natural or artificial and what ingredients are used to create these flavourants. Exposure to artificial flavourants, over time, has been known to cause headaches, nausea, dizziness hyperactivity and various allergic reactions depending on ingredients used and what an individual is sensitive to.


This is an anti-oxidant, with the scientific name tertiary butlyhydroquinone, used to increase the shelf life of any product. Anti oxidants are good for you in general but this is true only in the form of naturally occurring anti-oxidants found in fruits and vegetables, ruling this one out. TBHQ oxidises and forms tert-butylquione, which puts the liver under strain. According to  1 gram of TBHQ can cause symptoms ranging from nausea to collapsing while 5 grams can be fatal. The FDA has a approved a limit of 0.02%, to be added to meals. It seems small enough, but why would you want to expose your body to an ingredient that has the potential to harm you?

Anti caking agent E 551

Also know as silicone dioxide, it is used to prevent products from forming lumps and for easy packaging, transporting and consumption of product.

Flavour Enhancer E631/627

Scientifically known as Disodium Inosinate and Disodium Guanylate. These are salty additives. They are known to cause an itchy rash for people who are allergic. It is also recommended that people who suffer from asthma avoid these flavour enhancers.

Soya Lecithin E322

Used as an emulsifier to keep ingredients in a product together. Commercial soya lecithin is extracted from the soya bean using hexane ( hexane in large quantities is toxic to the nervous system). Over exposure to hexane has been known to lower an individuals blood pressure this can result in dizziness and fainting. People with soya allergies might also want to avoid soya lecithin.
The garlic in a Aromat is a very good thing, but since its at the bottom of the ingredients, it is overshadowed by all the other ingredients. Well there you have it, all you need to know about Aromat. Aromat will always be alluring and make your food taste a tad bit better. But the question you should be asking yourself, is it worth it, risking your health for your taste buds?

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Winter Illness

Winter colds and flu – the choice we have and the choices we make.
With so many employees off work over the past month as we hit the winter of winters I started thinking of the choices people have when a cold or flu sets in.
The ones with medical aid often run themselves and their family off to the doctor at the first sign of a cough, cold, temperature, vomiting. Once the Winter Illnessprescription has be obtained everybody feels safe and happy to invade the body with all manner of chemical substances that frankly are foreign toxins that suppress the symptoms until the body heals itself anyway.
I have noticed that when people do not have medical aid they hit the pharmacy or supermarket to self medicate with the most popular TV ad recommendation for the season. Remember the ad that said “you can’t take every cough to a doctor”? Mmm can’t remember the product and, well I wouldn’t personally like to give them air time on this blog anyway.
When will people realize that the doctor does not heal you and neither does the medication? The doctor usually allays fears of death and dreaded disease (in the case of the coughs, colds etc and that for some is an essential part of their healing. Your immune system is what you need to rely on to get over the short-term misery of the cold/flu. When you are feeling fine, which for some includes the more than occasional headache, indigestion, constipation, heartburn etc etc you might not be aware that this is the time to give your body the best nutrition so that when the chips are down your body has the resources to get above it.
Someone once told me that if you get the flu and go to a GP it will take 14 days before you feel better. If you go to a Homeopath it will take two weeks and if you do nothing it will take a fortnight.
When the occasional cold / cough etc hits me or Michael I have my favorite standby ‘medications’ that seem to motivate the immune system to get on with the job. My top of the list favorites are Tissue Salts. No 5 and No 9 or the Coughs and Colds Combin. (More info on Tissue Salts in another post). Then there is Echinacea which I don’t always do – I usually ask my body if it want it and only if I get a resounding yes do I use that. Another big-time favorite is Olive Leaf Extract. I have been told by devotees of this substance that if you take this before winter you seldom ever come down with the winter blues. Now, if a cough is the problem then this old fashioned home remedy has been a winner, Grate an onion and sprinkle with brown sugar and leave until the sugar forms a syrup. Sip on the liquid in between those wracking coughing attacks for absolute relief.
My message.

  • Look after your immune system on a daily basis with good nutrition and by learn to cope with the stresses of life
  • Realize that your body’s magic is what will heal you and not the doctor or his poisonous chemical drugs or the supermarket offerings for coughs, colds and cauliflower ears
  • Be in touch with your body – repeated bouts of bronchitis, colds etc indicate that the body needs better care – take stock of how much raw living food you are consuming
  • Consider how much of your diet includes coffee, tea, sugar, fast foods, white rice, bread, pasta, MSG (found in Aramat, packet soups and sauces, and loads of other products) P.S. These foods do not build a healthy immune system
  • Be positive, laugh a lot (mostly at yourself and at life), find solutions not problems and most of all be grateful!

Winter Illness