Health Information
Almonds are rich in fibre, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and potassium. With these nutritional benefits, almonds aid with constipation, respiratory disorders, coughs, heart disorders, anemia and diabetes. They also help in the maintenance of healthy hair, skin and dental care.
Dates are 100% whole fruit unlike the majority of other sweeteners. Blending dates is super easy because of the soft consistency. A great healthy substitute for white sugar in recipes is dates. Due to the nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants that dates provide.
Eyesight is improved due to the high content of beta-carotene and vitamin A found in carrots. Carrots have calcium and vitamin K, both of which are helpful for bone health. In addition, you can keep your blood sugar levels under control with the Fiber found in carrots.
Lastly, cucumbers are the number one fruit for beauty. Despite its name, cucumber is a fruit and not a vegetable. Cucumber is full of water and furthermore has a light melon-like aroma. The water in cucumber flushes your system of all toxins, hydrates you, and removes toxins from your body.