The PH Miracle- Balance your Diet, Reclaim your health
This fascinating 400 page book is not a diet book. It is intellectually written from a scientific perspective, interwoven with real life experiences and includes healthy invigorating recipes. ‘The PH Miracle, Balance your diet, Reclaim your health, is for anyone who wants a fresh start on life, lose weight, reduce acid levels in the body and have renewed internal energy that is not dependent on a sugar high. In Part 1 The Youngs look at the ABC (Acid, Blood and Candida) of the body and illnesses associated with an imbalance in these, and then recommend alkalizing food items to counter-act symptoms. In Part 2 they explain why you need to follow the programme and the need to bring a perfect alkaline balance into your entire body. After reading all this information, I feel compelled to start making the necessary changes to my lifestyle, balance the acid alkaline levels in my body. In Part 3 Shelley Young provides recipes that you can make from home that will assist you to cleanse, obtain core nutrients and rejuvenate your body. A definite must read.
About the Author
Robert O. Young, is a nationally renowned microbiologist and nutritionist, who speaks to audiences around the world on health and wellness. Shelley Redford Young is a licensed massage therapist and the chef behind the recipes in The pH Miracle. They reside in Utah where they run the PH Miracle centre. Together they co-authored this book, promoting an alkaline diet. Dr Young is considered as one of the leading scientific researchers in the nutrition field. He has dedicated his life to studying and understanding the mechanisms of the body. A combination of these skills has created this beautiful book on the benefits of an alkaline diet, which has helped thousands all over the world.
What others have said
“Dr. Young may be on the threshold of a new biology whose principles could
revolutionalise biology and medicine and potentially help people worldwide.
Additional research is desperately needed!” -Neil Solomon, Director,
International Council for Caring Communities’ Health Advisory Board, United Nations, and New York Times bestselling author.
“This book makes me think before simply ordering and eating fast food! I
learned a lot about how things I ingest affect my body, both positively and
negatively.” – Brenda Thompson- Amazon
The PH Miracle Book Review