When a book is written like this one, it is virtually impossible not to fall in love with a raw diet. ‘Hooked on Raw’ is written about the author’s addiction to raw food. Usually, addiction is a bad thing but this kind of addiction is good for you. It makes life simple, reduces diseases, and gives you an overall makeover. What you put into your body will reflect in your hair, skin, appearance and, most importantly, your health. The book has 358 pages and is written in bold, clear writing that makes it a comfortable read. The chapters are short and straight to the point. Rhio has written this book based on her own personal experiences, and the most important aspect of her book is to have a healthier group of people in the 21st century.
Part 1
Part 1 of this book looks at why you should consider a raw diet and she gives many reasons for doing so. What I like about part 1 and how Rhio writes, is that it just makes sense. The facts are not covered by complicated terminologies or yawn-enticing quotes. She states things simply and without hidden agendas.
These are some of the important aspects that she covers:
- The almost irreversible damage that we cause when we cook, grill, bake, etc, is that we kill the nutritious enzymes and thereby ingest food that leaves us sluggish and tired.
- Rhio also looks at what goes into the food that we consume. Animals that we eat are fed the worst type of foods that, when ingested by humans, attack our system. The other food on the market is not much help either as much of the food is GMO approved. GMO foods not only harm the balance of nature’s natural system but have negative effects on the body as well.
- She states that a raw diet provides you with everything your body needs. Another thing that impressed me with this book is how Rhio approaches the subject of supplements. She does not shun the subject completely but gives enough information and alternatives so, at the end of the day, you can make an informed decision. She encourages newcomers to do raw their own way, find out what works for them, and do exactly that.
- According to Rhio, cleansing is a definite must. The body is filled with toxins that we ingest on a daily basis, therefore it is vital to cleanse and gain a new perspective. What better way to do this than with fasting. It might seem a little drastic but the benefits are worth it. You feel lighter, grounded, and cleansed. This, of course, could make you feel ill at first but it’s completely worth it. Even though fasting is not for the faint-hearted, Rhio gives valuable advice on how to fast properly, especially if you haven’t tried it before, and starts with a detox plan and transitions slowly to fasting.
Part 2
How to prepare raw meals – what to eat, where to eat, when to eat and how to prepare the meal. The first vital ingredient for a raw diet is sprouting, as it is an excellent way to consume maximum nutrients, and Rhio gives a step-by-step simple process of how to do so, what can go wrong and how to store sprouts. Secondly, she advises on the correct equipment to gain the full benefit of a raw diet. She lists the various items needed such as juicers, cheese bags, dehydrators, a garlic press, etc and their uses. The author also looks at the emotional side of eating, what to do when you don’t feel satisfied and gives a detailed view on which foods work together thereby releasing maximum nutrition in one meal.
Part 3
This is my favourite part of the book. Rhio lists loads of delicious recipes, which is proof that you do not need to give up on all your favourite foods – you just need to find a healthier way to prepare them. She says that eating good food is not only about the taste but also the presentation. Rhio shows how to turn any meal to an exotic dish as her recipes are suitable for most occasions. Here are a few titles of some of the yummy 300 recipes to experiment with:
Main course
- Wild rice medley
- Spinach rolls
- Tacos in the raw
Salad Dressing
- Creamy mint dressing
- Caesar dressing.
- Blueberry jello
- Creme brulee
Its now up to you, the reader, to decide if a raw diet is for you. Switching to a raw diet is not always easy, its like diving into a pool when you don’t know how to swim. However, by learning to assimilate raw eating into your diet , before you know, it will become a way of life and you will also be ‘hooked on raw’.
About the Author
Rhio is an author and a musician who has done a lot of investigative reporting in the field of health and environmental issues. She has appeared on more than 50 television shows, and has made a DVD entitled ‘Whats NOT cooking in Rhio’s kitchen’. She is considered to be very knowledgeable in the area of raw and living foods. Rhio has given lectures, radio talk shows and has a website that provides information about health-related issues.
Read up more about the Rhio and Hooked on Raw on