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Flax and Carrot Crackers – Dehydrated

Flax and Carrot Crackers

A delicious flax and carrot crackers (Dehydrated) recipe with very little ingredients, and that is easy to prepare. Firstly, having the right cracker truly makes a difference when entertaining (or snacking). With a pile of your favorite cracker toppings on top, they’ll hold up well. And moreover sink into the thickest dip without crumbling in your fingers.

Despite not having nuts in them, flaxseed and carrot crackers are nutty-tasting (without nuts), healthy fats-rich (without a trace of trans fat), and high in fibre. Finally, with the Ezidri Ultra dehydrator or Kuto food dehydrator, you can easily make golden flax and carrot crackers (dehydrated).

Implements and Equipment:

  • Slow juicer  (Optional – see recipe)
  • Dehydrator
  • Measuring cups
  • tsp
  • Tbsp.
  • Mixing bowl


Carrot pulp (Pulp after juicing carrots with the Oscar Juicer is suitable)
Flax seeds
Olive oil
Mixed herbs and spices

Health Information

Eyesight is improved due to the high content of beta-carotene and vitamin A found in carrots. Carrots have calcium and vitamin K, both of which are helpful for bone health. In addition, you can keep your blood sugar levels under control with the Fiber found in carrots.

Flax seeds are known to be a great source of soluble and insoluble fibre. It is also a source of essential Omega 3 oils which are good for the heart. Flax seed also contain a compound called lignans which is a source of antioxidants (cancer fighting properties) and plant-based estrogen. Many people use flaxseeds as egg replacements or binding agents.

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