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Fruity Green Tea – Juicer

Fruity Green Tea

In the hot summer days serve this fruity green tea with ice cubes and enjoy it as a fruity green ice tea. This is a delicious fruity green tea beverage to be enjoyed any time of any day. Moreover, your next patio party is sure to be a big hit with this refreshing tea.

The combination of green tea and citrus fruits, which contains a lot of antioxidants, is known to strengthen your immune system and at the same time alkalise your PH levels, which is good for preventing diseases caused by an acidic environment such as cancer, diabetes and common colds and flu’s.

Implements and Equipment:

  • Slow Juicer
  • Measuring cup
  • Tbsp.


Granny smith apple
Teabag (green tea)
Orange (peeled)
Lemon (peeled)

Did you know?

Firstly, carrots have calcium and vitamin K, both of which are helpful for bone health. In addition, you can keep your blood sugar levels under control with the Fiber found in carrots.

Honey is a natural sweetener that comes with no added preservatives or additives, but it is more than just a sweetener, honey has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. In addition, honey is also good for colds and flu’s.

Apples can be a healthy addition to a weight loss diet because of their high fiber and low calorie content. Considering their low calorie count, they are also very filling.

Furthermore, oranges supply not only soluble fibers that lower cholesterol but also potassium which helps lower blood pressure. At the same time, it supplies dietary fiber which prevents constipation. Moreover, the antioxidants in oranges protect the cells from damage keeping your skin young and fresh.

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